Community First Development CEO, Stephanie Harvey.

Community First Development CEO, Stephanie Harvey.

From left to right: Julia McKenna, Director, Friends With Dignity; The Hon Tony Smith, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Stephanie Harvey, CEO, Community First Development and Senator the Hon Scott Ryan, President of the Senate.

From left to right: Julia McKenna, Director, Friends With Dignity; The Hon Tony Smith, Speaker of the House of Representatives; Stephanie Harvey, CEO, Community First Development and Senator the Hon Scott Ryan, President of the Senate.

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We are thrilled to be selected as one of two recipient charities for the annual Parliamentary Giving Tree program.

We recently attended the launch of the Program at Parliament House for the lighting of the Tree.

Community First Development CEO, Stephanie Harvey, had the opportunity to highlight the importance of our work in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

“I am really pleased. I can’t tell you how much it means to represent Community First Development.

We are a national Aboriginal organisation that works to really strong principles of self-determination. It runs through everything that we do, internally and externally, in our organisation.

We do work right across Australia. We work on projects that support better health and education outcomes, economic development, job opportunities, safer communities…” - Stephanie Harvey, CEO Community First Development.

Parliament House has had a Giving Tree program since 2013, with proceeds from donations going to charity.

This year, the program is being conducted in a COVID safe manner. A QR code has been created so people can easily donate towards the Giving Tree program and support Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.

Scan the QR code (in your mobile camera app) to donate or visit connecting communities for a bright future.

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