Sharing and growing the story of Buri Wonduri (Littlewell)

On the outskirts of Mingenew, in the heart of Midwest WA, there is a former Aboriginal Reserve, Littlewell. We commenced our journey with the Littlewell mob in 2014 after a group of 30 Elders had come together in 2010. We worked with the community to support the community's Dream to protect their Country as a place of belonging, history, story and healing. In 2019 the Littlewell heritage site was opened and is now a protected place of healing, language, belonging, history, heritage and culture, giving back to future generations the stories of their past. 

For this culturally strong community this was just the beginning. The Littlewell Working Group become incorporated in 2021 and are now known as Wattandee Littlewell Aboriginal Corporation. They are now dreaming and working towards a permanent presence on Country to preserve and protect their cultural identity, heritage, language and interests. 

In January 2023, Thomas Cameron, a Wattandee Elder and Buri Wonduri (Littlewell) Mingenew Aboriginal Reserve leader and spoksperson was approached by Heritage Yamitji Southern Regional Corporation Office to lead a Smoking Ceremony, Welcome to Country and Cultural Awareness session. Thomas, his narrumba (sister) Annette, two grandchildren and daughter facilitated this historic and culturally grounded and strong session to over 30 Mineral Resources staff at Mingenew Recreation Centre.

Big deadly shout out to Thomas and his family for the overwhelmingly positive response from Mineral Resource staff after the session, with interest in the local connection to Buri Wonduri (Littlewell) particularly important, as many Mineral Resource staff did not know the history or importance of the site. This is particularly exciting as Thomas explains the Dream of the Wattandee Littlewell Aboriginal Corporation, "My concept to listen and follow our Elders before me was about their aspiration, dreams, visions and (the) preservation of Culture, Language, Place of Belonging, our Totem, Dreaming, Dreamtime stories, Our camping grounds and Identity". Continuing to share and grow the story of Buri Wonduri (Littlewell) is doing just that for the next generations, just too deadly!    


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