Story of Change - Visual Dreaming, NSW


Leanne, Visual Dreaming’s Founder and Director, with Shanae, who works closely with Leanne as a youth Advisor and Project Manager.

Visual Dreaming are an Aboriginal-owned social enterprise located in Wagga Wagga, NSW, on Wiradjuri Country.

This case study focuses on our collaboration with Visual Dreaming to support their projects aimed at enhancing the cultural identity, mental health, and leadership capabilities of Aboriginal youth.

It highlights how Visual Dreaming uses technology and traditional cultural practices to connect youth with their heritage and community, as demonstrated by their development of a culturally integrated app and programs like Butterfly Dreaming – a program launched by Visual Dreaming and designed for young girls to discover and understand who they are, be proud of their identity, and build confidence and leadership skills.

This case study also explores the impact of these initiatives on the community and the ongoing support provided by Community First Development in realising these projects and broader community goals.